Sunday, January 4, 2015

4th day Stuffed Zucchini (lunch)

Hello! I'm into the 4th day already! Well, I don't know why my recipes are not in order in my blog. I think it's because I had the taco one in a draft. Anyway today's recipe is Stuffed Zucchini!
I am going to use the meat from the leftover recipe yesterday. I cooked 16 ounces but only used 4.
4 oz of ground beef (350 cal)
1 small zucchini (41 cal)
1/4 of a cup of cheddar cheese (110 cal, but I actually used a little less so I'm saying its only 100 cal) 
Calorie count: 490

Cut the zucchini in half and cook in a pan. Do not use oil, just cook the zucchini, however do not cook the zucchini thoroughly. Carve the inside of the halves and mix with the meat. Add the mixture to each half and sprinkle 1/8 of a cup of cheese in each. Put it in the oven, until the cheese melts and it's crispy. Check with a fork if the zucchini is soft and Thoroughly cooked. Zucchini cooks really fast so it shouldn't take long. Now enjoy! This has been my favorite recipe so far. 

2nd Day Marinera Pasta (dinner)

Hello this is Dinner time for day 2! Today I am making bow tie pasta with marinara sauce! 
1 cup of bow tie pasta (168 cal)
1/2 cup of Ragu marinara sauce (90 cal)
2 medium carrots (26 cal)
1/4 cup mozzarella cheese (90 cal)
1/8 cup of Parmesan cheese (40 cal) 
Salt to taste
Calorie count: 414
Warm up the sauce in a Pan, add 1/4 of a cup of water while cooking (it will evaporate) then, add mozzarella into the sauce and let it boil. Steam Carrots and add salt to taste. 

3rd day Lettuce wrapped tacos (lunch)

Hello this is the 3rd day!! I often don't have time for breakfast or I eat things like fruit, cereal, or anything my mother cooked in small quantities. I only post a recipe when I cook. Well, today's recipe is lettuce wrapped tacos
Ground beef 4 oz (350 cal)
Lettuce leaves (13 cal)
1 small tomato (21 cal)
Half a lemon (10 cal)
1 oz cilantro (1 cal)
5 vinegar and salt kettled chips (40 cal)
1 serving =18 chips 150 cal around 8 cal per chip. 
Sprinkle of cheddar cheese (17 cal)

Calorie count: 452

Cook the meat with no oil, it has its own fat and it will excrete it once its cooked. Drain the meat and season with salt, paprika, and one tbsp of mustard. These condiments are 0 calories. Dice tomato and cilantro and add lemon and salt to taste. Eat with the chips and enjoy 

Start of the 15 day challenge.

Hello! I am doing a 15 day challenge of not eating out. I have realized I have been  eating out quite often. I want to lose a little bit of weight, and save money by cooking. I actually didn't record the ingredients on day one, but this is day 2. The first recipe is: Tuna lettuce wraps
I can of tuna (100 cal)
2 Lettuce leaves (13 cal) 
Lemon juice (20 per whole lemon, about 5 for this dish)
Salt (0 cal)
1 serving of grapes (97 cal) 
Complete calorie count: 215