Thursday, November 6, 2014

The "orphanage" bathrooms

A couple years ago, my dad discovered the yummy chicken enchiladas from Rio Grande; it wasn't hard to fall in love with them, my dad absolutely loved them. I had gone a couple times with my dad, but I had never entered their restrooms.I did everything to avoid restrooms, I had a phobia (like many of you) of using a public toilet. I still remember the first time I entered the ladies room, it was quite interesting. I wanted to keep staring at the sinks and take a picture. At the time I had a red brick LG phone, which had a full memory.... Ugh no picture opportunity. I absolutely loved the bathrooms, they reminded of a movie called the orphanage (not the one with the killer girl, but the one where the kids play hide and seek by knocking 3 times). The intriguing part of these bathrooms were the sinks, they were in the middle and surrounded by mirrors. When I entered the first time it was night time, and for some reason the bathrooms seemed bigger. The restaurant itself has a very old "fashioned" look; the inside has small square tables, big coca cola signs, high ceilings and a lady hanging from the inside of a taco, if I'm not mistaken it also has a train high up in the air. The restaurant is pleasant, and I personally really enjoy their food, specially their chips and salsa! They're the absolute B-E-S-T. I recently went back to this place with some friends and told them about the "orphanage" bathrooms. I went in, and this time I was a little disappointed. The restrooms didn't look the same as the first time I saw them. It was daytime, and the natural light was coming through the big windows, they looked much smaller from what I remembered. The sinks in the middle seemed like ehh.. Nothing special. Except this time I was able to take a picture. 

I guess I created a picture in my mind from the first impression, that was after distorted from my imaginary high expectations. I wasn't as impressed as I was the first time and neither were my friends ( I believe the men's bathroom looks different). However, I will keep coming to enjoy their food. If you want to try out this place, it's located on:
270 S Rio Grande St, Salt Lake City.I love their chicken enchiladas they are delicious! 
It saddens me a little that I will never see these bathrooms the same, but at the same time I still have a vivid picture in my head. I still enjoy coming in, I mean the sinks in the middle are pretty original in my opinion. After all I think they do hold to their tittle, because that's what it reminds me of every time I see them
 "the orphanage bathrooms".

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Herbal Tea

3 words: I LOVE TEA!! Besides being a very delicious beverage, tea is low on calories and helps detoxify the body. However, I only do herbal tea so they're not technically derived from the Camellia plant. Ok ok, I drink "tisane" (that's the proper term) anyway, my obsession started with the raspberry iced tea from Taco Bell. I went through a phase of eating taco bell, and the drink I chose was always tea. I wanted to avoid soda so tea was it. Later, I started dating Alfredo and we would always go for McDonalds chicken nuggets. I chose sweet tea as my drink once again. I realized the tea was black and often too sweet, so I quit my daily buying. Stores like Teavana often carry both kinds, so I like to treat myself some days as I walk in the mall. Anyhow, I once read an article saying how a waste of money was to buy prepared tea; I analyzed this and I figured it was true. I still think its nice to buy prepared tea, just not daily. It's much cheaper to buy a pack at the super market and prepare it at home. I don't have a preference between iced and brewed tea, I equally like them. I do prefer fruity flavored tea like blueberry and raspberry to be iced (except citrus tea, lemon, orange etc.) flavors like cinnamon, vanilla, and chamomile taste better hot, in my opinion, I like keeping a variety. I recommend keeping a few packs on the go, they can be very convenient at times. well, for now these are my insights on tea, thanks again for reading. ❤❤

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


Well, I'm finally starting a blog; I been wanting to start writing again, specially now that I can share it. I want to introduce myself, my name is Amanda and I grew up in El Salvador. I moved to Utah when I turned 11. I didn't speak English an had never attended a public school. The first two years were tough, but now it feels like I been here my whole life. I'm a Sagittarius, I love chips and salsa from Rio Grande and root beer floats from Hires H. I am currently waiting for a missionary, his name is Alfredo and he's serving in Spain Barcelona; He comes back in April, the two years are almost over. I have 2 siblings and a dog named Sandy. I'm currently in my 4th semester of college and I graduate in the spring. I love dancing and crafting, not much of a cook but I love to watch recipe videos. I hope to write my thoughts, life experiences, my made up recipes and hopefully some make up tips. This is it for now, but I'm very excited to share my life and ideas with ya'll. ❤